Summer is right around the corner, here are some sweet savings tips to help you save during the warmer months. 

1. Spring Clean Your Subscriptions & Memberships 

An easy way this summer to save a little extra is to clean up your subscriptions and memberships. Hopefully, you plan to spend more time outside and can ditch a few subscriptions. Saving $10-$15 per month on one subscription over the warmer months can be a good chunk of change to go towards something else, especially if you can cancel multiple.  

As for memberships, consider canceling the indoor gym membership and doing exercise outdoors, such as running, walking, biking, yoga, whatever fits your interest. Think about how much you could save pausing a gym membership and spending a little more time outside.  

2. Trim Your Entertainment Budget  

Having fun can most definitely add up, especially date nights here and there with friends. Consider finding free or low-cost events such as: 

  • Outdoor concerts 

  • Outdoor movies 

  • Museums 

  • Camping 

  • Bonfire 

  • Visiting a state park 

  • Local festival 

Trimming up how much you are spending on entertainment can save hundreds over the summer months.  

3. Shop Smarter 

Shop a little smarter this summer by scheduling meals based on what’s on sale for the week and not tossing those extras into your shopping cart. You can most definitely save on food by growing some produce yourself or grabbing those items from a farmer’s market. Saving that extra $20-$50 per week will add up before you know it.  

4. Home-Cooked Meals 

Along with scheduling meals based on sales and discounts, eating more meals at home rather than buying meals out can be another way to save. If you are out for the day, consider packing your lunch or a snack to get you by. Meals out can be a social activity, as we all enjoy doing that here and there. Consider doing a grill out or hosting at your place. You can save on food if you all pitch in a side or appetizer, as well as save on drinks.  

5. Save Energy At Home 

Summer weather can heat up, but here are a few ways you can save on energy costs at home and stay comfortable: 

  • Caulk your windows 

  • Keep your blinds and curtains closed during the day 

  • Shut the doors to rooms you aren’t using 

  • Shut the fans off when you’re not in the room 

  • Wash your clothes in cold water 

  • Let your clothes dry outside 

  • Run full loads, not multiple small loads for both laundry and dishes 

Make summer savings sweet and fun this year with these tips. Finding a few things you could cut out during the summer will add up over the duration of summer and you can get started now. Splurging here and there will be that much more of a treat, and who knows how much you’ll end up saving day-to-day with these tips.